Luka Mesec

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Luka Mesec (born July 1, 1987) is a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and the leader of the Združena levica (Eng: United left).

Political Career[edit]

He was elected to the National Assembly in 2014 and he is the Vice-President of the Commission for Public Finance Control within it.

Professional Career[edit]

In the years 2008-2010, he was the President of the Selška Dolina Student Club, from 2009 till 2011; he performed the function of the President of the Student Political Science Association Polituss. In 2012-2013, Mesec was a Coordinator of the Workers and Punks’ University (Delavsko-punkerska univerza) at the Peace Institute (Mirovni inštitut). From 2012 till 2014, he took over the function of the Director of the Institute for Labour Studies (Inštitut za delavske študije).


Mesec graduated in European Studies at the 2013 Faculty of Social Sciences in 2012. He is currently continuing his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics.

External Links[edit]