Alessia Petraglia

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Alessia Petraglia was born 16. October 1967 in Eboli (Salerno), Italy, and is currently living in Florence. She is a member of the Italian Senate. She was elected Secretary of the Senate Presidency on 24. February 2013, proclaimed on 4. March 2013 and confirmed on 2.July 2013.

Political career

Alessia Petraglia is member of the Mixed Group (“Gruppo Misto”), that she joined on 19. March 2013, more specifically the “Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà” party since 21. March 2013. Additionally, Alessia Petraglia joined the Twelfth Permanent Commission for Hygiene and Healthcare from 7. Mai 2013 until 25. July 2013, and she is currently engaged as member of the Seventh Permanent Commission for Public Education and Cultural Heritage.

External links

Personal profile on the Italian Senate website