Enrico Gasbarra

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Enrico Gasbarra was born in Rome in 1962. He is an Italian politician who has been elected for a second term as an MP of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in the seventeenth legislation.

Political Career

Enrico Gasbarra was elected in the 2013 general elections in the Lazio region for the “Partito Democratico” but resigned after winning the European Parliament elections in 2014. He has been the secretary of the President’s Office and a member of the Commission for Defense, the Commission for Constitutional Affairs and Interns, and worked for the Presidency Office.


Hon. Gasbarra graduated in Law. After his degree he worked as an executive at Telecom, the Italian national telecommunication company, and as a PM at the Tribunal of Florence.

Notable Works

Hon. Gasbarra has a strong link with his roots, he has always worked for the community since when he was young. He was elected as the youngest president of the city hall. He then joined the PD and ran for the national elections. He firmly believes in peace and human rights and volunteered for a number of charity associations, while fighting against military propositions in the Chamber.

External Links
