Emanuele Scagliusi

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Emanuele Scagliusi

Emanuele Scagliusi was born on February 15th 1984 in Putignano, in the province of Bari, Puglia. He is an Italian politician.

Political career

In the general elections of 2013 he was elected in the Italian Chambres of deputies for the italian Party Movimento 5 Stelle, led by Beppe grillo, for the district of Puglia. Additionally, from May 2013 he is a member of the Foreign Affairs Commitee, he is vice president of Human Rights Commitee and from July 2013 he is a member of the OCSE Parliamentary Delegation. He has been also one of the founders of the Movimento 5 Stelle association "Polignano R-Evolution".

External links

Official website