Antonio Martino

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Antonio Martino.jpg

Antonio Martino (December 22th, 1942) is an Italian academic and politician.


He obtained a degree in Law from the University of Messina in 1964, gaining the scholarship "Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund" to pursue an economics specialization in Chicago.

Political career

He first entered the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 1994 with Forza Italia, being part of Finance Commission and Foreign and Communitarian Affairs.

Re-elected in 1996, he served again as member a of the Foreign and Communitarian Commission, as well as being member of the Budget, Treasury and Planning Commission.

Elected again with Forza Italia in 2001 and 2006, he retained for the third time a seat in the Foreign and Communitarian Commission. In 2001 he was appointed as Foreign Affairs Minister; one the main political results of his terms of office as minister is the abolition of compulsory military service in 2004.

In 2008, during his fifth mandate in the Chamber of Deputies, he became a member of the Defence Commission, a seat which retained after the electoral round of 2013.

Notable works

He was a professor at LUISS University in Rome, as well as being the principal of that university from 1992 to 1994. He was secretary of the Scientific Commission of the Italy-USA Foundation.

External links

Antonio Martino - XII Legislature - Chamber of Deputies

Antonio Martino - XIII Legislature - Chamber of Deputies

Antonio Martino - XIV Legislature - Chamber of Deputies

Antonio Martino - XV Legislature - Chamber of Deputies

Antonio Martino - XVI Legislature - Chamber of Deputies

Antonio Martino - XVII Legislature - Chamber of Deputies