Katherine Zappone

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Katherine Zappone (November 25, 1953) is a public policy research consultant and member of the Human Rights Commission in Ireland.


Katherine Zappone has got a PhD from Boston College, MBA (Smurfit Business, UCD) and MA from the Catholic University of America, and has completed a recent programme in research methodologies in educational technologies with the Open University in the United Kingdom.

Political career[edit]

She is currently a member of the Irish Human Rights Commission, after being appointed by the Minister of Justice in 2001 and re-appointed in 2006. She was nominated by the Prime Minister to the Irish Senate in May 2011.

Notable works[edit]

She is the first member of the Irish Senate to be openly lesbian. As a former CEO of the National Women’s Council of Ireland, Katherine Zappone contributed to public policy-making and directed its research programme. She has also taught ethics, practical theology and education in Trinity College Dublin. She led and established the Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, a ten year strategy and service implementation programme to improve outcomes for children and families, that was co-funded by the Irish Government and Atlantic Philanthropies.

External links[edit]

Katherine Zappone - Oireachtas

Senator Katherine Zappone

Katherine Zappone - Progressive Change