María Eloísa Álvarez Oteo

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María Eloísa Álvarez Oteo, born 8 July 1956 in Muriel Viejo (Soria), is a spanish senator for the Spanish province of Soria, Castilla y León for the 10th term. Álvarez Oteo is a member of Spanish Socialist Party, Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE).

Political Career

Between 1991 and 1995, Álvarez Oteo was the spokeswoman of the Socialist Party whithin the province of Soria. In 1995 she was appointed prosecutor in the courts of Castilla y León, holding this position until 1999. She has also been a member of the Federal Executive Committee of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, and a member of the Federal Committee of the PSOE and the Provincial Deputy Secretary-General of Soria. Nowadays, María Eloísa Álvarez Oteo holds the position of Second Vice-President in the Commission of Equality within the Spanish Senate and she is also a vocal in the Commission of Conflits.


María Eloísa Álvarez Oteo has a degree in nursing and she is actually a psychiatric nurse.

External Links

Official Webpage of the Spanish Senate