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|[http://www.brandfinance.com/images/upload/brand_finance_nation_brands_2013.pdf Annual Report on Nation Brands]
|Brandfinance Nation Brands
|Szondi, Gyorgy
|[http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/20081022_pap_in_dip_nation_branding.pdf Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences]
|Discussion Papers in Diplomacy
|Fan, Ying
|[http://jvm.sagepub.com/content/12/1/5.full.pdf+html Branding the nation: What is being branded?]
|Journal of Vacation Marketing
|Anholt, S
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/bm/journal/v10/n1/pdf/2540101a.pdf Nation Branding: A continuing theme]
|Journal of Brand Management
|Fan, Ying
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v6/n2/pdf/pb201016a.pdf Branding the nation: Towards a better understanding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Wang, Jian
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/pal/pb/2006/00000002/00000001/art00005 Localising public diplomacy: The role of sub-national actors in nation branding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Jansen, Sue Curry
|[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13504630701848721#.U5g11fm1ZcQ Designer nations: Neo-liberal nation branding - BrandEstonia]
|Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nationand Culture
|Dzenovska, Dace
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/session/shib-sign-in?url=%2fcontent%2fpal%2fpb%2f2005%2f00000001%2f00000002%2fart00009 Remaking the nation of Latvia: Anthropological perspectives on nation branding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Nadia Kaneva
|[http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/704/514 Nation Branding: Toward an Agenda for Critical Research]
|Widler, Janine
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v3/n2/pdf/6000055a.pdf Nation branding: With pride against prejudice]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Teslik, Lee Hudson
|[http://www.ebrandvalue.com/wp-content/uploads/Nation-Branding-Explained-Council-on-Foreign-Relations.pdf Nation Branding Explained]
|Council on Foreign Relations
|Kadeva, Nadia
|[http://ics.sagepub.com/content/14/2/191.full.pdf+html National identity lite: Nation branding in post-Communist Romania and Bulgaria]
|International Journal of Cultural Studies
|Szondi, Gyorgy
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v6/n4/pdf/pb201032a.pdf From image management to relationship building: A public relations approach to nation branding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Marat, Erica
|[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09668130903068657#.U5hNg_m1ZcQ Nation Branding in Central Asia: A New Campaign to Present Ideas about the State and the Nation]
|Europe-Asia Studies
|Tatevossian, Anoush Rima
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v4/n2/pdf/pb20088a.pdf Domestic society's (often-neglected) role in nation branding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Anholt, Simon
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/pal/pb/2006/00000002/00000001/art00001?crawler=true Is place branding a capitalist tool?]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|[http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/849/544 Nation Branding in the Era of Commercial Nationalism]
|International Journal of Communication
|Anholt, Simon
|[http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/mdocs/en/isipd_05/isipd_05_www_103990.pdf Three interlinking concepts: Intellectual Property, Nation Branding and Economic Development]
|WIPO International Seminar on Intellectual Property and Development, Geneva
|Loo, Theresa; Davies, Gary
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/session/shib-sign-in?url=%2fcontent%2fpal%2fbm%2f2002%2f00000009%2f00000004%2fart00002 Branding China: The Ultimate Challenge in Reputation Management?]
|The Journal of Brand Management
|Lee, Kyung Mi
|[http://doc.utwente.nl/60754/1/thesis_K_M_Lee.pdf Nation Branding and sustainable competitiveness of nations]
|Dissertation, University of Twente
|Bar, Michael
|[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12140-011-9159-7#page-2 Nation Branding as Nation Building: China's Image Campaign]
|East Asia
|Lee, Annisa Lai
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v6/n3/pdf/pb201021a.pdf Did the Olympics help the nation branding of China? Comparing public perception of China with the Olympics before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics in Hong Kong]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Fetscherin, Marc and Marmier, Pascal
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v6/n1/pdf/pb20106a.pdf Switzerland's nation branding initiative to foster science and technology, higher education and innovation: A case study]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Yan, Jack
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/pal/bm/2003/00000010/00000006/art00006 Branding and the international community]
|The Journal of Brand Management
|Gray, John
|[http://eltj.oxfordjournals.org/content/66/1/125.full.pdf+html The Construction of English: Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook]
|ELT Journal
|Metaxas, Theodore & Deffner, Alex
|[http://www.prd.uth.gr/uploads/discussion_papers/2006/uth-prd-dp-2006-05_en.pdf The Tourism Focus of Place Marketing in the Mediterranean: Evidence from Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece And Pafos, Cyprus]
|Discussion Paper Series
|CSIS Commission
|[http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/071106_csissmartpowerreport.pdf CSIS Commission on Smart Power]
|Potter, Evan H.
|[http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/20020700_cli_paper_dip_issue81.pdf Branding Canada: Projecting Canada's Soft Power through Public Diplomacy]
|International Journal
|Cliche, Danielle and Wiesand, Andreas
|[http://media.ifacca.org/files/D%27Art39Final.pdf Achieving Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts and Culture? Concepts, Policies, Programmes, Practices]
|Edward T Hall
|[http://lmc.gatech.edu/~herrington/classes/4406f2000/Hall.pdf The Power of Hidden Differences]
|Intercultural Press
|Baldwin, D., A.
|[http://www.princeton.edu/~dbaldwin/selected%20articles/Baldwin%20(2012)%20Power%20and%20International%20Relations.pdf Power and International Relations]
|Princeton University
|Ivana Elezović
|[http://www.academica.rs/academica/Elezovic-Ivana_Redefined-Silk-Roads_2009.pdf REDEFINED SILK ROADS: POTENTIALS OF CULTURAL]
|UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
|Crowther, P., Joris, M., Otten, M., Nilsson, B., Teekens, H., Waechter, B.
|[http://www.iruas.ch/uploads/iruas/doku/Anlage-4_Internationalisierung%20at%20home_positionspapier.pdf Internationalisation at Home. A position paper]
|European Association for International Education (EAIE)
|Kiehl, W., P.
|[http://www.nyu.edu/brademas/pdf/kiehl.pdf America's Dialogue with the World]
|Public Diplomacy Council
|Rupp, J., C., C.
|[http://www.oslo2000.uio.no/AIO/AIO16/group%208/Rupp.pdf American Models Transforming European Universities]
|Griffin, Hannah
|[http://www.american.edu/soc/communication/upload/Hannah-Griffin.pdf Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, And The State of Brand Israel]
|Wallis, Courtney, Ireland
|[http://digital.library.okstate.edu/etd/umi-okstate-2526.pdf Propoganda Analysis: A Case Study Of Kazakhstan's 2006 Advertising Campaign]
|Oklahoma State University
|Aronczyk, Melissa
|[http://melissaaronczyk.com/uploads/PDFs/218-939-1-PB.pdf "Living the Brand": Nationality, Globaily and the Identity Strategies of Nation Branding Consultants]
|International Journal of Communication 2
|Anholt, Simon
|[http://www.exchangediplomacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/1.-Simon-Anholt_Beyond-the-Nation-Brand-The-Role-of-Image-and-Identity-in-International-Relations.pdf Beyond the Nation Brand: The Role of Image and Identity in international relations]
|UK Foreign Office Public Diplomacy Board
|Graan, Andrew
|[http://www.academia.edu/2516725/Counterfeiting_the_Nation_Skopje_2014_and_the_Politics_of_Nation_Branding_in_Macedonia._Cultural_Anthropology_28_1_161-179 Counterfeiting the Nation: Skopje 2014 and the Politics of Nation Branding in Macedonia]
|Cultural Anthropology
|Eliza Bivolaru, Robert Andrei, George Vlad Purcăroiu
|[http://managementmarketing.ro/pdf/articole/168.pdf Branding Romania: A PESTEL FRAMEWORK BASED ON A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO COUNTRY BRAND INDEXES]
|Management & Marketing
|Oana Vicol, Adriana Zaiţ
|[http://managementmarketing.ro/pdf/articole/341.pdf A country's image as tourist destination for external intermediaries]
|Management & Marketing
|Tafadzwa Matiza, O.A Oni
|[http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/2141/2128 The Case for Nation Branding as an Investment Promotion Methodology for African Nations: A Literature-Based Perspective]
|Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
|[http://publicdiplomacymagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/All_Pages.pdf Cultural Diplomacy]
|PD Magazine
|Virimai V. Mugobo and Wilfred I. Ukpere
|[http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1380558331_Mugobo%20and%20%20Ukpere.pdf Is Country Branding a Panacea or Poison?]
|African Journal of Business Management
|Wahida Shahan Tinne
|[http://oaji.net/articles/800-1398831146.pdf Nation Branding: Beautiful Bangladesh]
|Asian Business Review
|Piyada Prucpairojkul; Supatana Triamsiriworakul
|[http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:126597/FULLTEXT01.pdf Thailands Nation Branding: A study of Thai nation-brand equity and capabilities]
|Mälardalen University (master thesis)
|Shuling Huang
|[http://is.muni.cz/el/1423/podzim2012/ZUR589a/um/EM_W5_Nation-brandingandTransnationalConsumption.pdf Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan]
|Media Culture and Society
|Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_JapanNB.pdf Japan's Nation Branding: Recent Evolution and Potential Future Paths]
|Journal of Current Japanese Affairs
|Dinnie, K. and Fola, M.
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_Branding_Cyprus.pdf Branding Cyprus: A stakholder Identification Perspective]
|Athens Institut for Education and Research
|Marketa Fujita, Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_Czech_Slovak_Poland_HungaryNB.pdf The Nation Branding of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland and Hungary - Contrasting Approaches and Strategies]
|Accepted for the 2nd International Conference on Brand Management, India, 2010
|Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_RussiaNB.pdf Nation Branding and Russia: Prospects and Pitfalls]
|Russian Journal of Communication
|Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_Trinidad_TobagoNB.pdf Leveraging Nation Branding Equity]
|The Magazine of the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Commerce
|Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_PolandNB_interview.pdf National Branding Interview - Brief for Poland]
|Brief for Poland
|Kakhaber DJAKELI
|[http://journal.ibsu.edu.ge/index.php/jbm/article/download/462/401 Country’s Branding for More Attractive Image of Georgia]
|IBSU Journal of Business
|Oscar Alvarez Martinez
|[http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:324065/FULLTEXT01.pdf Analyzing the organizations behind the image of Spain in Sweden]
|Gotland University, Master Thesis
|Tafadzwa Matiza; Olabanji. A Oni
|[http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/download/2686/2654 Re-Imaging African Nations as Preferred Foreign Direct Investment Destinations: Towards a Sustainable Nation Brand-Based Framework]
|Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
|Angela Marina; Janeiro Verissimo
|[http://ria.ua.pt/bitstream/10773/9923/1/Disserta%C3%A7%C3%A3o.pdf Portugal Nation Brand Image: Portuguese and Canadian Comparaisons]
|University of Aveiro, Portugal
|[http://ui04e.moit.tufts.edu/forum/archives/pdfs/32-3/Simonin.pdf Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities]
|Abdullah Özkan
|[http://iassr.org/rs/020501.pdf Role of public diplomacy in establishing nation branding and public diplomacy possibilities of Turkey]
|European Journal of Research on Education, 2014, Special Issue: International Relations, 1-5
|Jan Dirk Kemming
|[http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2009/7248/pdf/KemmingJan_2009_09_18.pdf Nation Brand Management in Political Contexts: Public Diplomacy for Turkey’s EU Accession]
|Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
|Sofia Bisa
|[http://www.exchangediplomacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Bisa-Article-5.pdf Rebranding Greece: Why Nation Branding Matters]
|Department of International Relations, Boston University
|Ruxandra-Irina POPESCU , Răzvan-Andrei CORBOȘ
|Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law
|Edith Onowe Odia & Felix Osaiga Isibor
|[http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/view/27284 Strategic Approach to Nation Branding: A case of the Nigeria Brand]
|International Journal of Business and Management
|Ibrahima Ndoye
|[http://www.instituteforpr.org/wp-content/uploads/ImageInForeignAudiences.pdf Crafting the Image of Nations in Foreign Audiences: How Developing Countries Use Public Diplomacy and Public Relations?]
|The University of Oklahoma
|Fabian Faurholt & Birgit Stöber
|[http://openarchive.cbs.dk/bitstream/handle/10398/8243/52-FFCBS-Copenhagen%20is%20hot%20Denmark%20is%20not.pdf?sequence=1 "Copenhagen is hot, Denmark is not" - On the authority and role of place brand image rankings]
|Copenhagen Business School
|Diego Navarro
|[http://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/396372/ICS_Occasional_Paper_Series_3_2_Navarro_Final.pdf Boomerangs and Creativty: Analyzing the Core Messages of the "New Brand Australia"]
|Institute for Culture and Society; University of Western Sydney
|György Szondi
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v3/n1/full/6000044a.html The role and challenges of country branding in transition countries: The Central and Eastern European experience]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Philip C Zerrillo and Gregory Metz Thomas
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v3/n1/full/6000050a.html Developing brands and emerging markets: An empirical application]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Irving Rein and Ben Shields
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v3/n1/full/6000049a.html Place branding sports: Strategies for differentiating emerging, transitional, negatively viewed and newly industrialised nations]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Chun-An-Chen; Hsien-Li Lee; Ming-Huang Lee; Ya-Hui Yang
|[http://academicjournals.org/article/article1380377254_Chen%20et%20al.pdf How to develop Taiwan's tourism nation brand]
|African Journal of Business Management
|Candace L White
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v8/n2/full/pb20126a.html Brands and national image: An exploration of inverse country-of-origin effect]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Sonya Hanna and Jennifer Rowley
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v4/n1/full/6000084a.html An analysis of terminology use in place branding]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Simon Anholt
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v4/n1/full/6000088a.html Place branding: Is it marketing, or isn’t it?]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|David Gertner
|[http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pb/journal/v3/n1/full/6000053a.html Place branding: Dilemma or reconciliation between political ideology and economic pragmatism?]
|Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
|Joram Ndlovu and Ernie Heath
|[http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1380793285_Ndlovu%20and%20Heath.pdf Rebranding of Zimbabwe to enhance sustainable tourism development: Panacea or Villain]
|African Journal of Business Management
|Rana Zamin Abbas, Hasan S.Murad, Mazhar Abbas Khan, AG Ghaffari, Abdul Rafay
|[http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1380726130_Abbas%20et%20al.pdf Exploring the issues and new insights of global branding and strategic corporate social responsibility: A case of Pakistani organizations]
|African Journal of Business Management
|Ruben Bagramain, Mine Hughes, Luca M. Visconti
|[http://mineucokhughes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/wmccpm2012_submission_131.pdf Bringing the nation to the nation branding debate: evidence from Ukraine]
|Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress – Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference
|Margarita M. Kalamova - Kai A. Konrad
|[http://bibliothek.wzb.eu/pdf/2010/ii10-06.pdf Nation Brands and Foreign Direct Investment]
|Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung - Social Science Research Center Berlin
|Country Brand Report
|[http://5000plus.net.au/assets/e255ea20503237ca10715157cfcd4e22207dc601/mission-for-finland-branding-report.pdf Mission for Finland - How Finland will demonstrate its strenghts by solving the world's most wicked problems]
|Final report of the Country Brand Delegation
|Mathias Akotia; Anthony Ebow Spio; Dr. Kwabena Frimpong
|[http://www.nai.uu.se/ecas-4/panels/121-140/panel-126/Mathias-Akotia-full-paper.pdf Exploring A Behavioural Approach to Country Brand Management]
|The Nordic Africa Institute
|John Fanning
|[http://www.mii.ie/attachments/wysiwyg/6051/articles/IMR_2011_Fanning.pdf Branding and Begorrah: The importance of Ireland's nation brand image]
|Irish Marketing Review
|Prof. Greg Simons
|[http://www.ucrs.uu.se/digitalAssets/107/107921_attemptingtorebrandthebrandedgregsimons.pdf Attempting to Re-Brand the Branded: Russia's International Image in the 21st Century]
|Russian Journal of Communication
|F. Woo Yee
|[http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1713&context=thesesdissertations Nation Branding: A case study of Singapore]
|University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
|Jacques E.C. Hymans
|[http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~hymans/Hymans%20Political%20Geography%20article%20published.pdf East is East and West is West? Currency Iconography as nation-branding in the wider Europe]
|Political Geography
|Gyorgy Szondi
|[http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/20081022_pap_in_dip_nation_branding.pdf Discussion Papers in Diplomacy. Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences]
|Netherlands Institute of International Relations "Clingendael"
|Maha al Balushi
|[http://www.ijbts-journal.com/images/main_1366796758/0112-Maha.pdf Reviews of awarness and views on branding Oman as a nation]
|Iro Aghedo
|[https://www.academia.edu/4692098/Image_Re-branding_in_a_Fragile_State_The_Case_of_Nigeria_ Image re-branding in a fragile state: the case of Nigeria]
|The Korean Journal of Policy Studies
|ChanMi Park
|[http://www.american.edu/soc/communication/upload/park2010.pdf South Korean Nation Branding]
|American University
|Gyorgy Szondi
|[http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/20081022_pap_in_dip_nation_branding.pdf Public Dipolmacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences]
|Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
|Marc Fetscherin
|[http://scholarship.rollins.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1043&context=as_facpub The determinants and the measurements]
|International Marketing Review
|Greg Simons
|[http://www.ui.se/eng/upl/files/97515.pdf Nation Branding and Russian Foreign Policy]
|The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
|Edward E. Marandu
|[http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/ijba/article/view/862/414 Nation branding: An analysis of Botswana's national brand]
|International Journal of Business Administration
|Shmuel Vaknin
|[https://archive.org/stream/NationBrandingAndPlaceMarketing/Nation-Branding-and-Place-Marketing#page/n13/mode/2up Nation branding and place marketing]
|Wahida Shahan Tinne
|[http://oaji.net/articles/800-1398831146.pdf Nation Branding: Beautiful Bangladesh]
|Asian Business Review
|Hassan Shahid
|[http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/DCS/article/viewFile/3181/3232 Nation branding: Ghana]
|Developing Country Studies
|Gorel Englund
|[http://arc.hhs.se/download.aspx?mediumid=1577 Nation Branding:A brand new marketing tool on the global arena]
|Stockholm School of Economics
|Biran Mertan
|[https://www.academia.edu/5358987/Childrens_perception_of_national_identity_and_in-group_out-group_attitudes_Turkish-Cypriot_school_children Children's perception of national identity and in-group/out group attitudes: Turkish-Cypriot school children]
|European Journal of Developmental Psychology
|Edward E. Marandu, Donatus N. Amanze, Tirubaza C. P. Mtagulwa
|[http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/ijba/article/view/862 Nation Branding: An Analysis of Botswana’s National Brand]
|Sciedu Press
|Suhana Saad
|[http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/article/view/15968 Re-building the Concept of Nation Building in Malaysia]
|Canadian Center of Science and Education
|Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wolowik
|[http://revpubli.unileon.es/ojs/index.php/Pecvnia/article/view/730 Flag brands as factor and results of a country identity and image: Polish experiences]
|Pecunia : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
|Md. A.H. Bhuiyan, Chamhuri Siwar, Shaharuddin M. Ismail, Rabiul Islam
|[http://www.thescipub.com/pdf/10.3844/jssp.2011.557.564 The Role of Government for Ecotourism Development: Focusing on East Coast Economic Region]
|Science Publications
|Rachel Wilson
|[http://www.exchangediplomacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/2.-Rachel-Wilson_Cocina-Peruana-Para-El-Mundo-Gastrodiplomacy-the-Culinary-Nation-Brand-and-the-Context-of-National-Cuisine-in-Peru.pdf Cocina Peruana Para el Mundo: Gastrodiplomacy, the Culinary Nation Brand, and the Context of National Cuisine in the World]
|Syracuse University
|David Haigh
|[http://www.brandfinance.com/images/upload/brand_finance_nation_brands_2013.pdf Flying the flag. Dicover the most valuable nation brands of 2013]
|Brand Finance. Nation Brands
|John O'Shaughnessy
|[http://www.csulb.edu/journals/jmm/pdfs/18oshaughnessy2000treating.pdf Treating the nation as a brand: Some neglected issued]
|Nadia Kaneva
|[http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/download/704/514 Nation Branding: Toward an Agenda for Critical Research]
|International Journal of Communication
|Andrew Graan
|[http://www.culanth.org/articles/229-counterfeiting-the-nation-skopje-2014-and-the Counterfeiting the nation?Skopje 2014 and the politics of nation branding in Macedonia]
|Cultural Anthropology
|Thomas Cromwell
|[http://www.eastwestcoms.com/res_national.htm National identity and national imagine. A purpose-driven approach to nation branding]
|East Weast Communication
|Martin Roll
|[http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/archive/martin-roll-how-country-branding-can-add-new-shine-to-made-in-china-tag/379066/ How country branding can add new shine to "Made in China" Tag]
|The Jakarta Globe
|Lauren Mclaren
|[http://www.policy-network.net/pno_detail.aspx?ID=4024&title=National-identity-and-political-trust National identity and political trust]
|Policy Network
|Eli Avraham
|[http://citation.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/2/9/8/2/4/pages298243/p298243-1.php Public diplomacy, crisis communication strategies and managing nation branding: the case of Israel] 
|University of Haifa
|Melissa Aronczyk
|[http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/218/118 Living the brand: nationality, globality and the identity strategies of nation branding consultants]
|International Journal of Communication
|Keith Dinnie
|[http://www.brandhorizons.com/papers/Dinnie_PB_litreview.pdf Place Branding: overview of an emerging literature]
|Temple University Japan
|Jian Wang
|[http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/pal/pb/2006/00000002/00000001/art00005 Localising public diplomacy: The role of sub-national actors in nation branding]
|Palgrave Macmillian
|Shuling Huang
|[http://is.muni.cz/el/1423/podzim2012/ZUR589a/um/EM_W5_Nation-brandingandTransnationalConsumption.pdf Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan]
|Sage Journal
|Lee Hudson Teslik
|[http://www.ebrandvalue.com/wp-content/uploads/Nation-Branding-Explained-Council-on-Foreign-Relations.pdf Nation branding explained]
|Council on Foreign Relations
|Zala Volcic, Mark Andrejevic
|[http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/849/544 Nation Branding in the era of commercial nationalism]
|International Journal of Communication
|Simon Anholt
|[http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/mdocs/en/isipd_05/isipd_05_www_103990.pdf Three interlinking concepts: intellectual property, nation branding and economic development]
[[Category:Research on Cultural Diplomacy]]

Latest revision as of 12:31, 9 December 2014

Articles on Soft Power
Author Title Date Publisher
Annual Report on Nation Brands 2013 Brandfinance Nation Brands
Szondi, Gyorgy Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences 2008 Discussion Papers in Diplomacy
Fan, Ying Branding the nation: What is being branded? 2006 Journal of Vacation Marketing
Anholt, S Nation Branding: A continuing theme 2002 Journal of Brand Management
Fan, Ying Branding the nation: Towards a better understanding 2010 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Wang, Jian Localising public diplomacy: The role of sub-national actors in nation branding 2006 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Jansen, Sue Curry Designer nations: Neo-liberal nation branding - BrandEstonia 2008 Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nationand Culture
Dzenovska, Dace Remaking the nation of Latvia: Anthropological perspectives on nation branding 2005 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Nadia Kaneva Nation Branding: Toward an Agenda for Critical Research 2011
Widler, Janine Nation branding: With pride against prejudice 2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Teslik, Lee Hudson Nation Branding Explained 2007 Council on Foreign Relations
Kadeva, Nadia National identity lite: Nation branding in post-Communist Romania and Bulgaria 2011 International Journal of Cultural Studies
Szondi, Gyorgy From image management to relationship building: A public relations approach to nation branding 2010 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Marat, Erica Nation Branding in Central Asia: A New Campaign to Present Ideas about the State and the Nation 2009 Europe-Asia Studies
Tatevossian, Anoush Rima Domestic society's (often-neglected) role in nation branding 2008 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Anholt, Simon Is place branding a capitalist tool? 2006 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
ZALA VOLCIC, MARK ANDREJEVIC Nation Branding in the Era of Commercial Nationalism 2011 International Journal of Communication
Anholt, Simon Three interlinking concepts: Intellectual Property, Nation Branding and Economic Development 2005 WIPO International Seminar on Intellectual Property and Development, Geneva
Loo, Theresa; Davies, Gary Branding China: The Ultimate Challenge in Reputation Management? 2002 The Journal of Brand Management
Lee, Kyung Mi Nation Branding and sustainable competitiveness of nations 2002 Dissertation, University of Twente
Bar, Michael Nation Branding as Nation Building: China's Image Campaign 2011 East Asia
Lee, Annisa Lai Did the Olympics help the nation branding of China? Comparing public perception of China with the Olympics before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics in Hong Kong 2010 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Fetscherin, Marc and Marmier, Pascal Switzerland's nation branding initiative to foster science and technology, higher education and innovation: A case study 2010 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Yan, Jack Branding and the international community 2003 The Journal of Brand Management
Gray, John The Construction of English: Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook 2012 ELT Journal
Metaxas, Theodore & Deffner, Alex The Tourism Focus of Place Marketing in the Mediterranean: Evidence from Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece And Pafos, Cyprus 2012 Discussion Paper Series
CSIS Commission CSIS Commission on Smart Power CSIS
Potter, Evan H. Branding Canada: Projecting Canada's Soft Power through Public Diplomacy 2002 International Journal
Cliche, Danielle and Wiesand, Andreas Achieving Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts and Culture? Concepts, Policies, Programmes, Practices IFACCA D’ART REPORT NO 39
Edward T Hall The Power of Hidden Differences 1998 Intercultural Press
Baldwin, D., A. Power and International Relations 2002 Princeton University
Ivana Elezović REDEFINED SILK ROADS: POTENTIALS OF CULTURAL 2009 UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Crowther, P., Joris, M., Otten, M., Nilsson, B., Teekens, H., Waechter, B. Internationalisation at Home. A position paper 2010 European Association for International Education (EAIE)
Kiehl, W., P. America's Dialogue with the World 2006 Public Diplomacy Council
Rupp, J., C., C. American Models Transforming European Universities ? ?
Griffin, Hannah Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, And The State of Brand Israel 2013 ?
Wallis, Courtney, Ireland Propoganda Analysis: A Case Study Of Kazakhstan's 2006 Advertising Campaign 2013 Oklahoma State University
Aronczyk, Melissa "Living the Brand": Nationality, Globaily and the Identity Strategies of Nation Branding Consultants 2008 International Journal of Communication 2
Anholt, Simon Beyond the Nation Brand: The Role of Image and Identity in international relations ? UK Foreign Office Public Diplomacy Board
Graan, Andrew Counterfeiting the Nation: Skopje 2014 and the Politics of Nation Branding in Macedonia Cultural Anthropology
Eliza Bivolaru, Robert Andrei, George Vlad Purcăroiu Branding Romania: A PESTEL FRAMEWORK BASED ON A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO COUNTRY BRAND INDEXES ? Management & Marketing
Oana Vicol, Adriana Zaiţ A country's image as tourist destination for external intermediaries ? Management & Marketing
Tafadzwa Matiza, O.A Oni The Case for Nation Branding as an Investment Promotion Methodology for African Nations: A Literature-Based Perspective 2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Cultural Diplomacy 2010 PD Magazine
Virimai V. Mugobo and Wilfred I. Ukpere Is Country Branding a Panacea or Poison? 2013 African Journal of Business Management
Wahida Shahan Tinne Nation Branding: Beautiful Bangladesh 2013 Asian Business Review
Piyada Prucpairojkul; Supatana Triamsiriworakul Thailands Nation Branding: A study of Thai nation-brand equity and capabilities 2008 Mälardalen University (master thesis)
Shuling Huang Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan ? Media Culture and Society
Keith Dinnie Japan's Nation Branding: Recent Evolution and Potential Future Paths 2008 Journal of Current Japanese Affairs
Dinnie, K. and Fola, M. Branding Cyprus: A stakholder Identification Perspective 2009 Athens Institut for Education and Research
Marketa Fujita, Keith Dinnie The Nation Branding of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland and Hungary - Contrasting Approaches and Strategies 2009 Accepted for the 2nd International Conference on Brand Management, India, 2010
Keith Dinnie Nation Branding and Russia: Prospects and Pitfalls 2008 Russian Journal of Communication
Keith Dinnie Leveraging Nation Branding Equity 2009 The Magazine of the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Commerce
Keith Dinnie National Branding Interview - Brief for Poland 2009 Brief for Poland
Kakhaber DJAKELI Country’s Branding for More Attractive Image of Georgia ? IBSU Journal of Business
Oscar Alvarez Martinez Analyzing the organizations behind the image of Spain in Sweden 2010 Gotland University, Master Thesis
Tafadzwa Matiza; Olabanji. A Oni Re-Imaging African Nations as Preferred Foreign Direct Investment Destinations: Towards a Sustainable Nation Brand-Based Framework 2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Angela Marina; Janeiro Verissimo Portugal Nation Brand Image: Portuguese and Canadian Comparaisons 2012 University of Aveiro, Portugal
BERNARD L. SIMONIN Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities 2008 THE FLETCHER FORUM OF WORLD AFFAIRS
Abdullah Özkan Role of public diplomacy in establishing nation branding and public diplomacy possibilities of Turkey 2014 European Journal of Research on Education, 2014, Special Issue: International Relations, 1-5
Jan Dirk Kemming Nation Brand Management in Political Contexts: Public Diplomacy for Turkey’s EU Accession 2009 Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Sofia Bisa Rebranding Greece: Why Nation Branding Matters 2012 Department of International Relations, Boston University
Ruxandra-Irina POPESCU , Răzvan-Andrei CORBOȘ CONSIDERATIONS ON PUBLIC DIPLOMACY`S ROLE IN PROMOTING COUNTRY BRAND Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law
Edith Onowe Odia & Felix Osaiga Isibor Strategic Approach to Nation Branding: A case of the Nigeria Brand 2013 International Journal of Business and Management
Ibrahima Ndoye Crafting the Image of Nations in Foreign Audiences: How Developing Countries Use Public Diplomacy and Public Relations? The University of Oklahoma
Fabian Faurholt & Birgit Stöber "Copenhagen is hot, Denmark is not" - On the authority and role of place brand image rankings 2011 Copenhagen Business School
Diego Navarro Boomerangs and Creativty: Analyzing the Core Messages of the "New Brand Australia" 2012 Institute for Culture and Society; University of Western Sydney
György Szondi The role and challenges of country branding in transition countries: The Central and Eastern European experience 2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Philip C Zerrillo and Gregory Metz Thomas Developing brands and emerging markets: An empirical application 2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Irving Rein and Ben Shields Place branding sports: Strategies for differentiating emerging, transitional, negatively viewed and newly industrialised nations 2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Chun-An-Chen; Hsien-Li Lee; Ming-Huang Lee; Ya-Hui Yang How to develop Taiwan's tourism nation brand 2011 African Journal of Business Management
Candace L White Brands and national image: An exploration of inverse country-of-origin effect 2012 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Sonya Hanna and Jennifer Rowley An analysis of terminology use in place branding 2008 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Simon Anholt Place branding: Is it marketing, or isn’t it? 2008 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
David Gertner Place branding: Dilemma or reconciliation between political ideology and economic pragmatism? 2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Joram Ndlovu and Ernie Heath Rebranding of Zimbabwe to enhance sustainable tourism development: Panacea or Villain 2013 African Journal of Business Management
Rana Zamin Abbas, Hasan S.Murad, Mazhar Abbas Khan, AG Ghaffari, Abdul Rafay Exploring the issues and new insights of global branding and strategic corporate social responsibility: A case of Pakistani organizations 2012 African Journal of Business Management
Ruben Bagramain, Mine Hughes, Luca M. Visconti Bringing the nation to the nation branding debate: evidence from Ukraine 2012 Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress – Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference
Margarita M. Kalamova - Kai A. Konrad Nation Brands and Foreign Direct Investment 2010 Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung - Social Science Research Center Berlin
Country Brand Report Mission for Finland - How Finland will demonstrate its strenghts by solving the world's most wicked problems 2010 Final report of the Country Brand Delegation
Mathias Akotia; Anthony Ebow Spio; Dr. Kwabena Frimpong Exploring A Behavioural Approach to Country Brand Management ? The Nordic Africa Institute
John Fanning Branding and Begorrah: The importance of Ireland's nation brand image 2011 Irish Marketing Review
Prof. Greg Simons Attempting to Re-Brand the Branded: Russia's International Image in the 21st Century 2011 Russian Journal of Communication
F. Woo Yee Nation Branding: A case study of Singapore 2009 University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Jacques E.C. Hymans East is East and West is West? Currency Iconography as nation-branding in the wider Europe 2010 Political Geography
Gyorgy Szondi Discussion Papers in Diplomacy. Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences 2008 Netherlands Institute of International Relations "Clingendael"
Maha al Balushi Reviews of awarness and views on branding Oman as a nation 2010
Iro Aghedo Image re-branding in a fragile state: the case of Nigeria 2013 The Korean Journal of Policy Studies
ChanMi Park South Korean Nation Branding 2010 American University
Gyorgy Szondi Public Dipolmacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences 2008 Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
Marc Fetscherin The determinants and the measurements 2010 International Marketing Review
Greg Simons Nation Branding and Russian Foreign Policy 2013 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Edward E. Marandu Nation branding: An analysis of Botswana's national brand 2012 International Journal of Business Administration
Shmuel Vaknin Nation branding and place marketing 2010
Wahida Shahan Tinne Nation Branding: Beautiful Bangladesh 2013 Asian Business Review
Hassan Shahid Nation branding: Ghana 2012 Developing Country Studies
Gorel Englund Nation Branding:A brand new marketing tool on the global arena 2012 Stockholm School of Economics
Biran Mertan Children's perception of national identity and in-group/out group attitudes: Turkish-Cypriot school children 2011 European Journal of Developmental Psychology
Edward E. Marandu, Donatus N. Amanze, Tirubaza C. P. Mtagulwa Nation Branding: An Analysis of Botswana’s National Brand 2012 Sciedu Press
Suhana Saad Re-building the Concept of Nation Building in Malaysia 2012 Canadian Center of Science and Education
Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wolowik Flag brands as factor and results of a country identity and image: Polish experiences 2006 Pecunia : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Md. A.H. Bhuiyan, Chamhuri Siwar, Shaharuddin M. Ismail, Rabiul Islam The Role of Government for Ecotourism Development: Focusing on East Coast Economic Region 2011 Science Publications
Rachel Wilson Cocina Peruana Para el Mundo: Gastrodiplomacy, the Culinary Nation Brand, and the Context of National Cuisine in the World 2011 Syracuse University
David Haigh Flying the flag. Dicover the most valuable nation brands of 2013 2013 Brand Finance. Nation Brands
John O'Shaughnessy Treating the nation as a brand: Some neglected issued 2000
Nadia Kaneva Nation Branding: Toward an Agenda for Critical Research 2011 International Journal of Communication
Andrew Graan Counterfeiting the nation?Skopje 2014 and the politics of nation branding in Macedonia 2014 Cultural Anthropology
Thomas Cromwell National identity and national imagine. A purpose-driven approach to nation branding 2013 East Weast Communication
Martin Roll How country branding can add new shine to "Made in China" Tag 2010 The Jakarta Globe
Lauren Mclaren National identity and political trust 2011 Policy Network
Eli Avraham Public diplomacy, crisis communication strategies and managing nation branding: the case of Israel University of Haifa
Melissa Aronczyk Living the brand: nationality, globality and the identity strategies of nation branding consultants 2008 International Journal of Communication
Keith Dinnie Place Branding: overview of an emerging literature 2003 Temple University Japan
Jian Wang Localising public diplomacy: The role of sub-national actors in nation branding 2006 Palgrave Macmillian
Shuling Huang Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan 2011 Sage Journal
Lee Hudson Teslik Nation branding explained 2007 Council on Foreign Relations
Zala Volcic, Mark Andrejevic Nation Branding in the era of commercial nationalism 2011 International Journal of Communication
Simon Anholt Three interlinking concepts: intellectual property, nation branding and economic development 2005 WIPO